Tooth extraction

How Should a Teeth Be Extracted?
Today, treating the teeth, helps the mouth to keep its function and when necessary for the person to maintain his health it is needed to be removed according with the treatment. -Untreatable rotten teeth and teeth with a huge amount of material loss,
- If the damage in the tooth is at a place where the patient can’t clean
- The teeth that are damaged to the point of irreparability from fall, crash and accidental trauma
- High degree gum disease
- Teeth that do not respond to root canal treatment
- Milk teeth that don’t fall on time
- Teeth that are inside a cist or a tumor
- For patients that will undergo orthodontic treatment and there needs to be space opened up for teeth
- Still buried teeth that create problems
- If there are breaks in the jaw or the teeth that are in the breaking line
What to Consider When Tooth Extraction?
If after the removal the open space must go under implant application the pulling must be done with a trauma and the related bone area must be protected. The care that is given to any dental operation must be given during teeth removal.
Why Does Teeth Get Broken During Removal?
Especially in the molar tooth, highly rooted teeth, when the teeth root is highly curved,
¬-Cases where bone elasticity is decreased due to aging -Inflexible hard bone (compact bone density is high) teeth areas -Teeth with less material to grab due to material loss -Deeply rotten teeth where it will impact hard bone tissues or teeth are too soft to be held
-Teeth that had gone through root canal treatment and have weakened walls
-Teeth that have huge roots to the point it might harm the bones during the pulling thus breaking the teeth while pulling is more beneficial
Broken teeth during teeth pulling are not something to be feared. Since the tooth has been numbed the break or the pulling won’t be painful. In fact, in some cases it’s less traumatizing to pull this way. Thanks to the special tools that are designed to remove broken tooth pieces the teeth are removed without any pain.
What are the Things That Should Be done Before Tooth Extraction?
If there is a medicine that was recommended by your doctor (example: antibiotics) you need to consume it regularly. If you have any disease, allergy or medicine that is used periodically, you need to tell this to your doctor, you need to specify it in the anamnesis.
Can The Tooth Be Pulled While Using a Blood Thinner (aspirin, coraspin, coumadin etc.)?
Before pulling the teeth if you are using an aspirin based medicine that blocks the forming of a clot you might need to stop using them for a while (Depending on the medicine used) before the day of your tooth extraction with the supervision of the doctor that gave you the medicine. Your dentist will direct you to related departments and will perform the necessary operation after confirmation.
My Bleeding Hasn’t Stopped After Tooth Extraction, What Can I Do?
After Teeth extraction to prevent a bleeding problem during the first 24 hours you should avoid spitting, mouth rinse and mouth wash. After the extraction in the first 24 hours cold compress will prevent bleeding. After extraction it is considered normal to experience bleeding in the form of leakage but if you are experiencing mouthful bleeding you need to contact your doctor immediately or see your dentist.
What to Pay Attention to After Teeth Extraction?
After extraction, you shouldn’t eat or drink for 2 hours. - You should bite down on the buffer given by your doctor for half hour. After the buffer is thrown away, napkin, cotton type of stuff needed to be applied while avoiding any damage to the clot that is formed
- The first 24 hours after the extraction spitting, agitation and mouth was shouldn’t be done. Or else the formed cloth might break off, the bleeding won’t be stopped and healing gets disrupted
- After extraction the next 2-3 days mild temperature food is needed to be eaten, hard food should be avoided and mouth cleaning should be taken care of - After teeth extraction in the next 24 hours you shouldn’t smoke it will negatively impact healing and might cause dry socket.
- You shouldn’t consume alcohol for the next 24 hours - You shouldn’t touch the area teeth were pulled away from with your tongue or your hand
- If there is pain, a medicine other than aspirin should be preferred if possible it should be consulted with the doctor - The extraction area needed to be kept clean. It’s important that food waste wont fill in the wound. 24 hours after the teeth are extracted, the area should be brushed using a soft toothbrush lightly and slowly. In the meantime, using a warm water or an antiseptic the person can perform mouth wash. - If the teeth acre lasts long or the area is swollen the dentist should be notified


What are Jaw Joint Diseases (Temporomandibular Diseases) and Treatment Teeth Grinning (Bruksizm)?
Bruxism is a way for a person to show stress even more during sleep. During sleep or sometimes during the day the teeth grind on each other subconsciously.
Chewing is essential for the muscle system to continue its healthy state thus there needs to be some space between teeth during relaxation positions. During bruxism, this distance gets really short and disappears. The skeletal muscle system is overloaded.
What Type of Problems Will Teeth Clenching or Teeth Grinding Cause?
- Abrasion of teeth, breaking,
- Oversensitivity on teeth from very cold-hot temperatures due to gum withdrawal,
- Occurrence of jaw joint diseases,
- Aching in head, neck, ear and even in back.
What to Consider If You Have Teeth Clenching or Teeth Grinding Habit?
If you have teeth grinning habit as well as there is related problems in jaw joint; you need to eat soft foods, avoid movements that will strain mouth opening. Food should be eaten in small divided pieces, and food that strains mouth should be avoided. When yawning the jaw should be supported from the bottom, it’s important for mouth to not be opened widely.
What is Teeth Clenching or Teeth Grinding Treatment?
Your teeth are measured, and night time plaques are prepared that are suited for the teeth and the level of the problem. You need to use the plaques that are adjusted by your doctor at night. Another treatment is applying BOTOX to the muscles that are under high weight loads. Due to reduced weight loads in muscles, teeth grinning operations won’t be very active.
What is Jaw Joint Disease?
In the places where jaw bone forms joint, it is the problem that occurs from deformation on the articular surface or cartilage tissues.
What Causes Jaw Joint Disease?
- During teeth treatments mouth was kept open for a long duration, - Lip biting, gum chewing, lying face up, sleeping while breathing from mouth, playing instruments like the violin.
- overly stretched muscles to the point of having difficulty relaxing caused by high stress, teeth grinding, teeth clenching and alike habits where the jaw joint undergoes stress accumulation and overweight loading.
How to Use and Maintain Night Time Plaques (Jaw Joint Splint)?
The plaques that are being used for jaw joint treatment are needed to be used every night before sleep by the patient. During the day whenever the patient notices he is grinning his teeth, it is beneficial for him to use the plaques as well. Plaques are put on at night and in the morning they are brushed with liquid soap (Due to the abrasive nature of toothpaste they are not used). If not used daily, it should be kept in water.
For How Long Do I Need to Use Nighttime Plaques (Articular Splint)?
Nighttime plaques should be used for 6 months as accordance with your doctor. During this 6 month period on 1st,3rd and 6th month you should consult your doctor for controls.


Buried Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth are the most behind of all the teeth. Today due to jaw types are getting smaller it’s getting harder for them to be located in mouth, they can remain buried inside soft tissue or bones or partially (some inside mouth some visible) or entirely.
In Which Occasions Should Wisdom Teeth Be Extracted?
Upon remaining in the mouth since it’s hard for wisdom teeth to be cleaned, brushed there might be an occurrence of a rotten tooth. Because of the rotten tooth, bad breath odor is forming. Wisdom teeth are the most common teeth that are half buried and the problems that follow. In this case, they cause infections in the places they emerge from the gum due to food being stuck and food accumulation. Infection that forms in wisdom teeth causes neighboring gum areas to be swollen and turn red, powerful aching that spreads to the neck and ear, growth in lymph glands, pain during opening the mouth and swallowing, reduced ability to open the mouth and alike complaints. Fully buried wisdom teeth can create deviousness (curvature) in the teeth that are in from of them. Again they can harm the neighboring teeth by applying pressure on them. Wisdom teeth that weren’t noticed for long years cause cysts that reach big sizes to form in jaw bones and they can even cause problems that can end in jaw break. Some of the time wisdom teeth are needed to be extracted for teeth to be formed and aligned correctly for orthodontic treatment purposes.
Is It a Must for Wisdom Teeth Be Extracted?
For people who can maintain mouth hygiene and have wisdom teeth formed on a correct form it is not required for wisdom teeth to be extracted.
Will There Be Intense Pain After Extracting Wisdom Teeth?
After a quick and sufficient treatment there won’t be a lot pain and it can be taken under control using pain killers
Will There Be a Lot of Swelling After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?
Edema in the cheeks varies from people to people based on the position of the tooth. For swelling to not occur cold water must be applied to the cheek area in the first 24 hours. Its normal for a light swelling to occur and is a necessity for healing.


What is Sinus Lift (Raising Sinus Base Operation)?
There will be occurrences of resorptions (melting) in the jaw bones due to loss of teeth in the direction of horizontal and vertical. Sınus spaces in the jaw bone that is located in the upper jaw bone has been covered with a membrane. After the teeth extraction this membrane shifts lower due to gravity. This shifting cause bone density to reduce in vertical direction for implants to be made. There will be insufficient space for treatments like implants. In these cases, sinus membrane is raised upwards and the location that is in between of its older and newer location graft (bone dust) and artificial membrane are placed. This way there will be enough bone amount for vertical implant.
Can Implant Be Done Simultaneously with Sinus Lift (Sinus Raising)?
If the remaining bone amount resulted from sinus sagging is enough for the implant screw to be placed implant can be applied simultaneously. But on some cases the bone loss is not appropriate for implant to be placed. In these cases, first sinus removal operation is applied. Waiting (approximately 6 months) will be needed for new bone to be formed. Afterwards implant application treatment is done.
How Is the Treatment Duration in Sinus Removal (Sinus Lifting) Operation?
After sinus lifting operation prosthesis application will follow if implant is applied based on the bone amount and 6 month waiting time is based for bone-implant connection to be made. If the bone is insufficient then only sinus lifting operation will be done in the beginning. 6 months of waiting period will pass. Implant is applied, another 3 month waiting period will occur for implant. Afterwards it will be moved on to the prosthesis phase.
Is Sinus Removal (Sinus Lifting) a Successful Operation? What Are the Things to Consider?
If there is an existing infection in the sinus, acute sinus history, smoking, a disease that is not systematically controlled the success is reduced. Other than that it’s a successful operation. After the operation patient is needed to follow doctor advices and needs to avoid any movement (Blowing nose, sneezing while mouth is closed) that can apply pressure to sinus mucosa. After 3 weeks of sinus removal operation air travel is not recommended.
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